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The Hidden Trauma Keeping You Stuck: 7 Signs You're Carrying The Witch Wound (and Don't Even Know It!)

By Coach Kat, August 3, 2024, copyright 2024 Bronwyn Katdaré. All Rights Reserved.

An ancient wound may be impacting your life in ways you haven't even realized. This ancient pain affects our relationship with power, our bodies, and our place in the world.

The Witch Wound.

What is The Witch Wound?

The Witch Wound refers to the deep-seated fears and traumas inherited from the historical persecution of those accused of practicing witchcraft. This wound can manifest in various ways, affecting your confidence, spiritual expression, financial stability, and personal relationships.

7 Signs You’re Carrying the Witch Wound:

Sign 1: Fear of Standing Out

The first sign is a paralyzing fear of standing out. This isn't shyness - it's a soul-deep unconscious fear of being noticed. You might:

- Habitually dim your light in social situations

- Downplay your achievements and talents

- Feel intense anxiety when all eyes are on you

This fear echoes the generations of women persecuted for daring to be different. Your soul remembers the risk of visibility.


Sign 2: Disconnection from Your Body

Next is a profound disconnection from your physical self. The Witch Wound often manifests as:

- Chronic, unexplained health issues

- Difficulty experiencing pleasure or sensuality

- A sense of living "from the neck up" or being “in your head”

This disconnection was once a survival mechanism. Historically, a woman's body was seen as dangerous or sinful. Your ancestors may have dissociated to protect themselves.


Sign 3: Scarcity Mindset and Fear of Poverty

The Witch Wound often carries a deep-seated fear of lack. This isn't just about money - it's an existential dread of not having enough. You might experience:

- Constant anxiety about finances, even when stable

- Difficulty receiving gifts or abundance

- A compulsion to over-give or people-please

This stems from times when independent women, especially healers and wise women, were pushed to society's margins, often living in poverty.


Sign 4: Distrust of Other Women

A hallmark of the Witch Wound is a complex relationship with other women. This can show up as:

- Feeling like an outsider among "normal" women

- Competitiveness or unexplained jealousy in female friendships

- A deep longing for sisterhood, paired with a fear of betrayal

This wound remembers how women were often forced to turn against each other to survive.


Sign 5: Repressed Anger and Power

The fifth sign is a complicated relationship with your own power, especially anger. You might notice:

- Difficulty expressing healthy anger whether this means swallowing the anger or exploding

- Fear of your own intensity or passion

- Alternating between feeling powerless and fearing your own strength

This stems from generations of women being punished for expressing power or standing up for themselves.


Sign 6: Guilt Around Sexuality and Pleasure

The Witch Wound often manifests as a deep-seated guilt or shame around sexuality and pleasure. You might experience:

- Difficulty fully enjoying sexual experiences

- Shame or guilt around your desires

- A belief that pleasure is somehow wrong or dangerous

This aspect of the wound stems from centuries of repression and the demonization of female sexuality. Your soul may still carry the weight of being labeled "temptress" or a "fallen woman."


Sign 7: Impostor Syndrome in Your Spiritual Gifts

The final sign is a persistent doubt in your own intuitive or healing abilities. This can look like:

- Downplaying or hiding your spiritual gifts

- Feeling like a fraud when using your intuition or healing abilities

- Fear of being exposed as a "fake" or "crazy"

This doubt echoes the times when women with spiritual gifts were persecuted as charlatans or witches. Your soul may still fear the consequences of owning your power.


If you've recognized yourself in these signs, know that you're not alone. The Witch Wound runs deep in our collective psyche, but healing is not only possible - it's essential. It's time to reclaim your power as a wise woman.

To begin the healing process, use grounding practices and reconnect with nature – whether this is walking on trails, sitting at the park, or planting a garden.

Remember, you're not broken - you're remembering. You're not cursed - you're awakening.

When you’re ready to heal the pain and live in your full potential, join my transformative coaching program, where we'll work together to heal your Witch Wound and unlock your magic. Contact me at

Bronwyn Katdaré is a certified Hypnotherapist, Integrative Holistic Health Coach, and Jungian Soul-Centered Life Coach. She incorporates Shamanic healing, Medical Intuition, Reiki, Akashic Records, Young Living Essential Oils, and Kundalini Awakening Yoga into her coaching and healing practices.

As a Freedom and Reconnection Coach, Bronwyn helps Gen X women transform their mind-body health, free themselves from their past drama-trauma stories, and reconnect with their mojo. When you’re ready to step into your wildest dreams in an empowered way and spark peace and magic in your soul, reconnect with heartfelt purpose, feel like you are enough, and embrace the possibilities ahead of you, schedule a free Calm the Chaos Clarity Consult by emailing me at

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